Wednesday, February 9, 2011

AJC Article on Powder Springs City Council Watch

Attached is a scan of an article from the 2.9.11 Metro section of the AJC about this site!

Thanks to reporter Carolyn Cunningham for the mention and for publishing our address.


  1. I love it! Open Government and no new taxes!!

  2. Keep up the great work!

  3. Mrs Barr - why didn't you video the council meetings and adgenda meeting when your husband was on the council? Sounds like you have a bad taste in your mouth from losing the election! If your have this much time on your hands then you need to get a real life!

  4. Matthew - PSCCW VolunteerFebruary 13, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    If anyone ever wondered what type of person could possibly oppose more transparency in government, the bravely-anonymous comment above certainly typifies the peculiar mindset necessary to argue against open records. All the bad-faith projection about motives in the world won't explain why someone would object to a site that merely presents, with no editorial comment, a record of official government meetings. Is viewing the workings of the City Council so troublesome? Why would anyone prefer such a record not be made public? "Get a real life" indeed!
